Changing gears here, to another of my favorite genres.
Action/Adventure is a hard genre to pin down. Many of what could be
considered its sub-genres are full-fledged genres. Unlike fantasy or SF
(Which some works of those fall in this genre. See Buck
and Conan) which have iconic settings that are easily recognizable,
action/adventure doesn't. The closest thing would look more like a
documentary. It's settings range from Victorian Africa, the Wild West,
to yesterday's headlines.
First, what action/adventure is not. It is not action or adventure in
another genre. All genres have elements of action and elements of
Action/adventure as a genre makes the action/adventure one of the
main points of the novel. Deep characters are generally not necessary.
Plots are not needed to be realistic. Make it over the top and exciting.
It also often has secret societies, martial artists, lots of chases, commandos, and vigilantes.
Good is good. Bad is bad. Nazis are evil. Automatic weapons rules.
Explosions are key. Settings should be exotic. Heroines tough, most of
the time. Rest of the time they're damsels of distress. Heroes are
either highly skilled operatives (James Bond, Jason Bourne, Rambo) or
normal peopl thrown into unordinary circumstances (Indiana Jones).
There are more, but they're older.
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