The next Leap Day, in 2016 seems like so far away, doesn't it? Yet, 2012 seemed like a long time away from 2008, but here we are, and it seemed to fly by so past. We're already to March of 2012.
Interesting how time zooms by, isn't it, even though it seems to go slow?
That's the end of my musings on time, and I 'll just start being kind of random and saying what my top 3 movies to see this year are.
- The Hobbit
How could I not want to see it? It looks like it'll be awesome. Alas, I must wait until December though.
2. The Avengers
I am a big superhero fan. Captain America is my favorite, with Superman in second. I approached the Marvel movies a bit skeptically at first, but I changed my mind. The ones I've seen so far are good. Now we get all of them working together, which will be even better.
3. The Hunger Games
Yes, this comes in third. I know people will find that odd, or perhaps insane. Still, it's on my to see list. Why? Because it's The Hunger Games which is one my favorite series. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out in the movie compared to the book, and if the next two books will have movies as well.
What about you? What are your top movies?